Mirasys VMS Pro is an excellent single server IP video recording software

Compatible with any standard Windows PC. It has all the features you would expect from a professional network video recording solution, such as 24/7 recording, real-time monitoring, playback, and intelligent motion detection.

  • Local and Remote Monitoring

    Simultaneous live view, record and playback, Ready-made layouts and the option to save your own customized multi-screen layouts

  • Management

    Data can be recorded on several hard disk units to eliminate loss of data in case of a disk failure

  • PTZ & Tracking

    Manual control, preset positions, camera tours, joystick control, turn to preset position on alarm event, turn to home position when idle

  • Alarm Event

    Recording of video, alarm output, show video on analog monitor, turn dome camera to preset position, start a dome camera tour, set motion detection mask

Important Advanced search tools: Graphical Activity Search, Motion Search, Date &Time Search, and Alarm Search.

Monitor the entire operations, adhere to policies, evaluate risks for safeguarding the people, assets and interpret situations.

Mirasys India
Securing Operations - Industry

Mirasys VMS Pro Benefits. explore our services

  • Cost Effective

    Attractively priced solution with professional features

  • VMS

    Single server IP recording and viewing software for up to 50 cameras

  • Mobile

    Free Spotter Mobile application for iPhone, iPAD and Android

  •  Reliable

    Mirasys’ unique non-fragmenting RAID 0 SDD (Secure Data Distribution) video storage