Mirasys India Unified Platform With Inbuilt Artificial Intelligence


Smart City Project Successfully Completed by Mirasys AI Video Surveillance using Intel Technology

The announcement of Indian city inclusion on the list of smart cities had been made in Delhi, and Madan Kaushik, the state’s then-minister of urban development, had remarked that it would “open up new avenues of its growth, offering a further lift to tourism.” The smart city project has improved the provision of public services, […]

The announcement of Indian city inclusion on the list of smart cities had been made in Delhi, and Madan Kaushik, the state’s then-minister of urban development, had remarked that it would “open up new avenues of its growth, offering a further lift to tourism.” The smart city project has improved the provision of public services, even though the state capital is now battling with the dug-up roadways and rubbish that has been collected in various sections of the city. The infrastructure of the city will be improved as part of the smart city project, improving various utilities. Globally, urban populations are growing quickly, with 1.56 billion more people living in cities by 2040. The capacity to keep everybody safe is becoming more and more difficult as more people move to cities and start living and working there.


The reality is closer than you would believe, therefore technology businesses are creating goods and solutions with all these contemporary cities in mind. The comfort and safety of residents in smart cities are being improved by solutions that can assist monitor public spaces and exchanging data insights with municipal employees and officials.

The Smart City Limited recently planned the Video Surveillance Smart City Project. As a result, teams will be able to collect information in real-time from various sources throughout the city and be informed of occurrences as soon as they happen. A crisis is immediately communicated to all teams who must be aware of it thanks to increased connection and collaboration.

Mirasys smart surveillance system, for instance, can see when a car accident has happened. It can notify both the local police department to deploy officers and the closest ambulance to the area. A sophisticated system that can apply road diversions may also rapidly block nearby roads and reroute traffic, maintaining everyone moving and preventing a buildup of cars.

This is just one illustration: without digital technologies, the capacity to develop real-time crime maps, implement data analytics that enables predictive policing, and analyze patterns of vehicle movement to solve congestion concerns might be undermined.

Additional Mirasys used cases including the detection of garbage, the sweeping as well as cleaning of streets and bins, parking infractions, overspeeding, the detection of patterns of protest and conflicts in crowds, the recognition and identification of people, animals, and vehicles, the detection of loitering, the detection of people climbing barricades, and the detection of people collapsing.


Intel Technology Partner:


It is quite advantageous to use Intel technologies such as Movidius VPU and Tiger Lake in Smart City Limited. Demanding computer vision & edge AI workloads are effectively supported by Intel Movidius VPUs. Movidius VPUs balance computes performance and power economy by combining highly parallel programmable computing with workload-specific accelerated graphics in a novel design that reduces data transmission. Additionally, Tiger Lake CPUs are anticipated to have faster clock rates and use less energy, both of which will help maintain the system. Therefore, a device with a Tiger Lake CPU will offer superior performance while using less power than a device with just an Ice Lake processor, giving it an effective offering from all angles.

A brand-new concept for the city, Safe Indian City, is aimed at enhancing security. To control the urban organism and guarantee public safety, a creative and comprehensive approach is needed. Modern circumstances help to establish a system of ongoing surveillance that deters misdeeds and alerts the proper authorities to put them to an end. It will be helping the people of India with much more feeling of security in the city. This project is indeed a great initiative by Smart City Limited.


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